Water Treatment Controller

Pulsafeeder’s products provide solutions for a virtually limitless number of applications and markets. Our products include electronic diaphragm metering pumps, peristaltic metering pumps, mechanical motor diaphragm pumps, microprocessor based water treatment controllers (boiler, cooling tower and timer) as well as pre-engineered systems and accessories. Our Industry leading brands include Pulsatron, Chem-Tech, Mec-O-Matic, MicroTrac, MicroVision, and many more.

The MicroTrac is a microprocessor based feed and bleed toroidal conductivity controller designed to control conductivity and feed inhibitor in cooling tower systems.

MicroVision is designed for cooling tower and boiler applications.

The MicroVision EX is a microprocessor controller used in cooling tower applications.

Pre-Engineered Systems
Pulsafeeder’s Pre-Engineered Systems are designed to provide complete chemical feed solutions for all electronic meter applications. From stand alone simplex pH control applications to full featured, redundant sodium hypochlorite disinfection metering, these rugged fabricated assemblies offer turn key simplicity and industrial grade durability. Pre-Engineered Systems for BLACKLINE metering pumps include single or dual metering pump configurations with inlet and discharge piping assemblies available in both 1/2” and 1” sizes.